What do you do to create a great classroom culture? How do you get students bonding with you, and with one another? What activities do you do in your classroom so that students actually look forward to class? Here is one activity you MUST put on your list! It's called "Killer Look" Brief Description: Students stand in a circle and then look at someone in the circle. If that person is staring back at them, they both are out of the game. Game continues until there is a winner. Game Set-up/Rules: 1. Have students stand in a circle. 2. Explain that students will look down, look up into the ceiling, and then look at one person in the circle. 3. If they are staring at someone who is staring back at them, they should scream, and then "die" and sit down. If they are looking at someone who is not looking back at them, they are safe. 4. I call out the commands in Spanish... everyone look down, everyone look up, everyone look! 5. The game continues until there is one winner, or two winners depending on if you have odd or even numbers. * A fun game that helps to form classroom community and a good 5-10 minute time filler!
About Señor Ashby:I am a K-12 Spanish educator specializing in creativity. I am passionate about learning through technology, music, and innovation. I have taught Spanish to K-12, and am a two time finalist for online teacher of the year.l live in West Michigan with my wife and our four energetic boys! Archives
December 2024