This is a sample lesson for a review of verb conjugation incorporating my music into the classroom. Subscribers have full access to the songs. This is designed for an over-arching review for present tense verbs.
Lesson 1
1. Have students stand up and do my AR, ER, IR Rap With Motions. Point to self for "yo", etc. (2-3 minutes)
2. Partner Signature Activity: (10-15 minutes) You could add to this document, and easily make this last 20 minutes depending on how you go over the sheet. I like to use activities like this as an opportunity to just have conversations in Spanish with my students. Here's an example of how I may go over the answer for this assignment.
"John, ¿Quién mira el basquetbol del NBA? (Stephanie mira el basquetbol del NBA) Interesante. Stephanie, ¿te gusta el NBA? Yo tambien. ¿Cuál es tu equipo favorito? ¿Quién más en la clase le gusta el NBA? Etc." The goal would be just to review and get them talking in the target language.
"John, ¿Quién mira el basquetbol del NBA? (Stephanie mira el basquetbol del NBA) Interesante. Stephanie, ¿te gusta el NBA? Yo tambien. ¿Cuál es tu equipo favorito? ¿Quién más en la clase le gusta el NBA? Etc." The goal would be just to review and get them talking in the target language.
3. Irregular Verbs Review: Show one song for each verb. After each song, have the students by memory fill out the corresponding verb chart in the review sheet below. (20 minutes)
4. Verb Conjugation Kahoot: (Click Here) Do this kahoot in single or team mode. I like team mode because it provides more think time for students. This Kahoot has the verbs ir, estar, ser, tener. (10 minutes)
5. Verb Conjugation Kahoot #2: (Click Here)If you have extra time, try this Kahoot on ir, estar, ser, and tener. (10 minutes)
5. Verb Conjugation Kahoot #2: (Click Here)If you have extra time, try this Kahoot on ir, estar, ser, and tener. (10 minutes)
Lesson 2
1. Stem-Changing Verbs Review: Show one song for each stem-changer. After each song have them fill out the corresponding verb chart (from lesson 1) by memory. A couple of these songs are on my re-do list due to some things I'd like to fix. However, they are still catchy and a good review for the students. (15 minutes)
2. Play "Sillas Locas" using the sentence strips below. (15-20 minutes)
Brief Description: Students place their chairs or desks in a circle. One student in the middle reads a statement. If that statement is true about the students, they need to find a new chair to sit. The person caught without a chair needs to read a new statement from the middle.
Game Set-up/Rules
1. Set-up chairs in a circle and have the students sit down No chairs/not enough room? You can have the students stand in a circle and have them mark their spot with their folders.
2. Choose one student to stand in the middle of the circle, and remove their chair from the circle.
3. Have that student read a statement that they prepared ahead of time, or that the teacher had prepared ahead of time and placed in a bucket with other slips of paper w/statements on it.
4. If it is true about the students sitting in the circle, they need to find a new chair to sit in, as well as the person who was in the middle. The person left without a chair reads the next statement.
Game Set-up/Rules
1. Set-up chairs in a circle and have the students sit down No chairs/not enough room? You can have the students stand in a circle and have them mark their spot with their folders.
2. Choose one student to stand in the middle of the circle, and remove their chair from the circle.
3. Have that student read a statement that they prepared ahead of time, or that the teacher had prepared ahead of time and placed in a bucket with other slips of paper w/statements on it.
4. If it is true about the students sitting in the circle, they need to find a new chair to sit in, as well as the person who was in the middle. The person left without a chair reads the next statement.
4. Play the Los Verbos Song: (5 minutes) Hand out the cloze activity while the music video is playing
5. Have the students fill out the cloze activity paper while listening to the song. (10 minutes)
6. Review the answers to the cloze activity sheet (5 minutes)
Follow Up Activities: The los verbos song would be a great daily song to review the present tense, with students out of their seat and doing actions. For each form of the verb, you can have the students point to give meaning. Point to themselves for yo, for example. The worksheet below would be a great additional activity or homework assignment.