1. Watch the 1-100 number rap. Let students know singing is optional the first time through. (5 minutes)
2. Watch the rap for a second time and sing, this time encouraging whole class participation. (5 minutes) 3. Put students in groups of 2. While playing "Cuenta", hand out the matamosquitos version 1 sheet to each group. (1 per group) (5 minutes)
4. Play 2 quick games of "matamosquitos" (see hand out for directions) (10 minutes) 5. Play "cuenta" again. While song is playing collect matamosquitos version 1, and hand out version 2. (5 minutes) 6. Play matamosquitos 1-2 more times (5-10 minutes) 7. Collect matamosquitos sheets and hand out card stock numbers 1-30, or the printed ones from the lesson plan resource page. While collecting the papers, and handing out the numbers, play Basho's number rap 1-20. (5 minutes)
8. Put students in groups of 4, and play 4-6 rounds of "group bingo" (see lesson plan resource page for directions) (10-15 minutes) 9. Ideas for left over time: - Play matamoscas (fly swatter game) -Call out numbers 1-100 and students need to stand up if odd number and sit down if even number -Ask students their age or telephone number -Listen and sing along to songs -Play Jewels of Wisdom or Stellar Spellar on 1 to 1 devices: Click here