The Word Qué Means What Song Resources
Day 1:
1. Hand out "before song worksheet". (10 minutes)
-have students complete it, and then go through the answers. This could be a great warm-up activity for students to begin as they walk in the room.
2. Play the song twice. Encourage students to start to sing the second time. (5 minutes)
Original Version
AI Remix
3. Play "matamosquitos". (Directions and matamosquitos print out in the packet below.) (15 minutes)
4. "The Word Qué means what" singing competition. (5-10 minutes)
-Hand out (or have the kids download the lyrics from the resources packet) and separate them into two groups. One group will sing the "A" part, the second group will sing the "B" part. I recommend a reward if you have any built in to your classroom for the group that sings the loudest, and pronounces the words the clearest. Do the song twice. The first time is a practice. The second time is the official contest.
5. Do the partner conversation. (in packet) (10-15 minutes)
-First time through, have the students do the conversation as written in Spanish. The second time through, have them do the conversation in English, translating from the Spanish. Have a group demonstrate the conversation in English.
Day 2:
1. Have the students complete the "Post Song Worksheet #1". (In packet) (10-15 minutes)
-This could be another warm-up activity to begin as students enter the room. Go over the answers
2. Have a "The Word Qué means what" singing competition rematch. (In packet) (5-10 minutes)
-One practice round, then the final competition. Have the groups be the same, but switch the parts.
3. Do the partner conversation. (in packet) (10-15 minutes)
-Have the students do the conversation again in Spanish. Then, put up the English version of the conversation, and have them do it in Spanish (translation from English to Spanish.
4. Play "matamoscas teléfono" (directions in packet) (15-20 minutes)
Day 3:
1. Have the students complete the "Post Song Worksheet #2". (In packet) (15 minutes)
-This could be another warm-up activity to begin as students enter the room. Go over the answers
2. "Viajeros" Partner Speaking Activity Using Powerpoint below: (15 minutes)
-Have half of the class (I usually use every other row since my room is desks) be "travelers/viajeros". When you say "muevanse", they will move one desk up the row. At each desk they sit in, they will have a new partner sitting next to them. Set-up a rotation so that if you have 28 kids, each student will end up with 14 different partners. After each move, put up a question from the powerpoint for the students to take turns asking eachother. Model responses if necessary.
3. Listen and sing along with the song. (2-3 minutes)
4. Introduce/listen to these songs. (10 minutes)
-Maybe not all of them, pick your favorite! :)