1. Before starting, make sure you have completed the lesson on the verb querer: click here -The verb querer is an e to ie stem-changing verb. The 5 other E to IE stem-changers in Avancemos 4.1 are: entender, pensar, cerrar, preferir, empezar 2. Watch this video explanation of e to ie stem-changing verbs.
3. Watch this music video on E to IE stem-changers.
4. Complete these practice activities: -Activity #1 -Activity #2 -Activity #3 *merendar=to have a snack, perder=to lose 5. Take the tier 1 quiz: click here-If you receive less than an 18/20, move on to tier 2 for more practice.
Tier 2:
1. Review this grammar explanation: Click here 2. Watch the following instructional video:
3. Complete the tier 2 quiz: Click here -If you receive less than a 9/10, see your instructor for further explanation.