2. Play Scatter (5-10 minutes): Click here 3. Play Bug Match (5-10 minutes): Click here (you need a keyboard for this) 4. Play Jewels of Wisdom: Click Here 5. Quiz yourself on the flashcards: Click here -Show the card in Spanish, say it in English. Star the cards you do not know, continue to practice until you do not have any starred cards left. 6. Take the tier 1 quiz: Click here-If you receive less than a 38/42, repeat activity #7 and try again. If scored a 38/42 or higher, move on to lesson 2. *Set up the quiz to have all 42 terms, and no writing
Lesson 2: 1. Quiz yourself on the flaschards: Click here -Show the card in ENGLISH, say it in SPANISH. Star the cards you do not know, continue to practice until you do not have any starred cards left 2. Play Stellar Spellar (5-10 minutes): Click here-Change the options to spell in SPANISH! 3. Complete the "write" activity: Click here 4. Complete the "learn" activity: Click here -Practice spelling in Spanish 5 . Complete the Lesson 2 Quiz: Click Here-If you receive less than 38/42, complete the "speller" activity (click here) and try the quiz again.
Extension: Watch this video/story with vocabulary from this unit.