Objectives: -A celebration of Hispanic culture and language -Introduce students to new songs and encourage them to actively engage with culture and language -Create excitement for language learning by including Spanish students around the globe -A fun way to start or end class for the month of March!
Rules: -Two songs will battle each day starting on March 1 -Students will listen to the song in class, or on their own at home and vote for their favorite song to advance to the next round. -Voting for each "battle" will only be available on the day that the battle takes place. -Only one vote per student for each battle. -Voting will remain open for 48 hours, but we recommend you vote within the first 24 hours. -If music videos are deemed appropriate for students, I will have the music videos available for the battle. You are always welcome to swap out the music video for a lyric video and vice versa, that is up to you! I am airing on the side of caution in the videos that I show, but teachers are strongly encouraged to watch each video for themselves and make their own decision on if it is appropriate for viewing.
Suggestions: -Make this as big or as small as you want it to be for your class! Go all in an do corresponding activities and listen to the songs ahead of time, or just play a couple minutes of each song and have the students vote. There is not a wrong way to do this! -Join our teacher Facebook group! There is great collaboration and conversation there! -Have your students fill out a prediction bracket, and offer a prize for the best bracket. This will help your students buy in!